Offered in this collection of gaming items and tokens, are 6 dice all of the same pattern,2 small domino,1 gold tone metal key chain, marked Aladdin Resort-Casino,877-333-WISH, 1 plastic token, marked Thunderbird WEST Casino, with hole,1 plastic token marked, .00, Chickasaw Gaming, New Castle Oklahoma, 2 small tokens marked The Club, Corcoran, CA?, 1 good for beer, 1 good for Hi-ball,2 light weight metal tokens, 1 marked, ARGUS Jefferson Parish, La.1972,10 Years if Mardi Gras in Jefferson, Aquatic Adventure, Aesop Fables, Argus Movie Awards, 1 red token marked The Gladiators, Louisiana LagNiappe, 1976, this token has the most wear.